How to communicate with Portal
You can interact with portal only via a text channel.
Portal does not respond to private messages.
You can make a request (command) by typing your prefix
(default: ./
) followed by the command, for example: ./help
Portal has many different commands, with many different functions.
From commands that inform you about real world data to commands
such as music that have a lasting effect as it spawns a music
To see the full list of commands click here.
Text Interpreter
Text Interpreter is a program used by Portal when asked to generate
a channel name. For example if you have set your voices name to
./set v.regex $status_list
portal knows thats
is a variable, as it is proceeded by the symbol $ (portal can read variables,
attributes, pipes and structures as seen bellow).
So lets say you are playing Counter Strike, your channel's name will be
To see the full documentation click here.
Ranking System
Portal's leveling system tracks messages sent and minutes spent in server's
voice channels. Different actions ammount to different points that give you
levels which then give you roles.
To see the full documentation click here.
Music Player
Portal's music player is a single channel message.
You can play songs just by typing what as a channel message.
Portal accepts plain text, youtube video links, youtube playlist links
and even portal_video_queue.json (which is an exported playlist from portal itself).
To make any action you just react to the music player.
To see the full documentation click here.