Ranking System
Portal's leveling system tracks messages sent and minutes spent in server's voice channels.
Different actions ammount to different points that give you levels which then give you roles.
Ranking Speed
There are four ranking speeds.
- none, ranking is disabled
- slow, members have to engage more to rank up and the multiplier is 0.05
- default, the normal mode and the multiplier is 0.10
- fast, members get levels faster and the multiplier is 0.15
Voice channel points are given as follows
seconds spent x speed-multiplier x 0.50
minutes spent x speed-multiplier x 30 x 1.15
hours spent x speed-multiplier x 30 x 30 x 1.25
Points per message are given as follows
message characters x speed-multiplier
(maximum amount of points per message is 5)
A Tier is a ranking bucket you are in. As you level you up, you will reach higher tiers. Higher tiers mean harder level-ups, as they factor in the leveling point thresholds.
When points are greater than tier x 2500, you level up. After a level-up your points are reset.
Every fifth level-up your tier increases by one, which means it is harder to level up every 5th level,
for the next five levels.
(Leveling from 1-5 is easier than 5-10 and so on)
Setting up the Ranking System
You must use command set_ranks in order to set the Ranking System in place. The ranking system is set once and if something must be added, you have to re-write the system. In order to see the the current ranking system use command ranks.
Roles that are destributed are not remove upon Ranking System update.
Get Ranking Information
- To see the server leaderboard use command leaderboard
- To see your current ranking stats use command level
- To see what role you get at what level use command ranks